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Arabic Alphabet Fast Track

Guest, we want you to master the basics very quickly! On this page you will have all the steps you need to overcome the first milestone in your adventure. Our aim is to get you grounded and skilled in the basic building blocks - which means mastering the Arabic Alphabet and being able to form and read words in the shortest time possible.

Arabic Letters Are Easy!

First, you must jump aboard the Alphabet Plane. This is where the journey starts. Here we introduce you to your mission and the 29 characters you will be working with. You can meet these characters at any time, they are all lined up and displayed, ready to greet you. After this, you are handed your own personal Alphabet Book.

Points and Badges: By now you should be an expert in identifying and recognizing all of these characters on board the plane. You can start earning points by playing the recognition game. Earning points are a very important part of your mission. This is because you are competing with thousands of others! At this stage you should now be ready to earn your first badge. Earning badges is also crucial to your mission. If we see that you are not earning enough badges, we may be forced to throw you off the plane!

Jump Aboard the Plane!
Greet the 29 Characters
Guest's Alphabet Book
The Letter Match Game!
Get Your First Badge!

Let's Visit the Land of al-Makhaarij!

Once you are familiar with these characters you will learn about their origins, where they come from, what they sound like, and some of their special qualities. To do this we have to go to the land of al-Makhaarij. The land of al-Makhaarij is where these 29 characters come from. You will see a map of the country, see the various regions and also see where each of these characters lives and comes from. There are three parts in teaching you about each and every character on our mission (go to Part 1, go to Part 2 and go to Part 3). It is very important that you develop a close and personal relationship with each of these characters because you are going to work with them a lot during your mission.

Land of al-Makhaarij (1)
Land of al-Makhaarij (2)
Land of al-Makhaarij (3)
Get Your Next Badge!

The Written Alphabet

Now that you are familiar with the 29 characters on the plane, we have a little twist to our adventure. These characters are no ordinary characters. Most of them are able to change shape, yes they are shapeshifters! Depending on where you put them, many of these characters change shape and remove parts of their bodies in order to blend in with other characters. You can see a full chart of all the letter forms and you also receive your second personal book which shows you how these characters can change depending on where they are at the beginning, middle or end of a word. Once you have become a master at recognition, its time to earn some more points - show off your skills in being able to immediately recognize these characters from a long distance! Finally, you can flex your muscles by practicing putting letters into words.

When you feel comfortable enough Guest, please proceed to earn your next badge.

Shapeshifting Letters!
See All The Letter Forms
Guest's Letter Forms Book
Identify Letters, Earn Points!
Playtime! Letters To Words
Earn Next Badge!

Basic Morphology - It's Like Playing Lego

Now Guest, on board our plane we have lots of special cargo boxes. Along with the 29 characters on board, what is in these cargo boxes is crucial to the entire mission. So what is in these boxes? Well you can take a look by going through four presentations: The first presentation dealing with vowel points (harakaat), then the second presentation dealing with something we refer to as "nunation" (tanween), then the third presentation dealing with what we refer to as "the regulators" (dawaabit) and finally, the fourth presentation dealing with long vowels and what are referred to as "dipthongs" (yes, its a funny name!). Here you are just introduced to them, so you can see what they are and what role they play. Further below, you will be able to play around with this cargo!

By this stage, Guest, you are in a position to earn your next badge.

Vowel Points (Harakaat)
Nunation (Tanween)
Regulators (Dawaabit)
Long Vowels and Dipthongs
Earn Next Badge!

The Arabic Vowelling System: Part 1 - The Short Vowels

You are doing well so far, Guest! Now, lets go straight into practicing these basic, short vowel sounds. There are three of these vowels. The fatha (الفتحة), the kasra (الكسرة) and the dhamma (الضمة). These are known as "harakaat" which means "movement, motion" and when they are placed with the alphabet characters it gives the sounds of those characters some "motion".

You can hear and practice them here: listen to letters with the fatha, listen to letters with the kasra, and listen to letters with the dhamma. Have a good listen and become familiar with what the harakaat do to these letters! Guest, you are now in a position to earn your next badge.

The Fatha (الفتحة)
The Kasra (الكسرة)
The Dhamma (الضمة)
Earn Your Next Badge!

The Arabic Vowelling System: Part 2 - The Tanween and Sukoon

Guest, it's getting more and more exciting! Earlier, you were introduced to the idea of "motion", when a vowel sound is associated with each letter. Well, now lets get to the idea of "rest." This is when the letter has no vowel sound and is said to be at rest. The symbol that signifies rest is called the sukoon. You can practice the sounds of letters at rest.

After this you can also practice the tanween sounds. Remember that this refers to the addition of a "n" sound (ن) at the end of a noun. It is represented in written form by by two fathas, providing the "an" sound, two dhammas, providing the "un" sound or two kasras, providing the "in" sound, at the end of nouns. Once you are done with all of that, time to earn your next badge.

The Sukoon (السكون)
Tanween - Two Fathas
Tanween - Two Kasras
Tanween - Two Dhammas
Earn Your Next Badge!

The Arabic Vowelling System: Part 3 - Shaddah, Long Vowels and Dipthongs

Let's look at some more of that special cargo on our plane. You can start playing with the shaddah (doubling of a letter), and also the long vowels (where the basic vowel sound is lengthened) and also the dipthongs (where we have a combination of two vowel sounds). Once you have mastered these three areas, then you are pretty much ready over your first major milestone, Which is to be able to read Arabic text (with the use of the vowel points and other marks), and shortly you will begin to learn actual words!

If you have had enough fun and games, it's time to earn your next badge.

The Shaddah (الشدة)
The Long Vowels
The Dipthongs
Earn Your Next Badge!

Your First 100 Words

After all the hard work you have done so far its now time to see the fruits! Yes, your first 100 words in Arabic. Let's start with the first 29 words that correspond to the letters of the Arabic alphabet, you should already be familiar with them. Next another 21 words to go half-way to 50! After this we look at 14 pronouns (words that refer to people). Then we can move on to 16 words which are adjectives (describing words). And finally, lets top off with another 20 words to make our grand total of 100!

By now you should start feeling very pleased with your achievements so far. It's impressive, Guest! There's a couple of things you still need to learn before the plane journey is over.

If you feel confident with your vocabulary, jump over here and earn your next badge!

The First 29 Words
The Next 21 Words
Next, 14 Pronouns
Then, 16 Adjectives
Add 20 to Make 100!
Earn Your Next Badge!

Definite Article & The Sun Moon Letters

We are almost coming to the end of our journey to our mystery destination. While we have time, you need to learn two more things. The first is what we refer to as the definite article (التعريف) and the second is to do with sun letters (الحروف الشمسية) and moon letters (الحروف القمرية). You should also practice the sun and moon letters. When you are ready, you can earn another badge!

The Journey to the Mystery Destination is Over

We have now come to the end of our journey to our mystery destination. However, the adventure has only just started! This is where things get really exciting. Hope you are ready for it...

... By now you should have mastered the core basics of the Arabic Alphabet, the vowels and how words are formed from individual letters. You should be able to read Arabic vowelled text with ease. It is important you make sure that you have reached this milestone thoroughly and that you have mastered everything before you continue on the mission ahead of you.

The Definite Article & The Sun and Moon Letters
Practice Sun & Moon Letters
Earn Your Next Badge!


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